Myths about large glazing

Duże przeszklenia budzą czasami wątpliwości inwestorów. Obawy najczęściej dotyczą funkcjonalności i bezpieczeństwa wielkogabarytowych okien. Czy słusznie? Obalamy kilka mitów, które narosły wokół dużych przeszkleń.

MYTH: Heat escapes through large windows from home

FACT: It seems that when deciding to install large windows we are exposed to large heat escapes and high heating costs. Nothing more wrong. In large windows, achieving high insulation is not difficult, because the glass has a better heat transfer coefficient than the frame material. If we add to this, as in the case of patio HST 82, low and warm threshold EcoPass (height 15 mm), SUPERtermo glass with the warmest THERMOBAR frames, we will achieve the penetration coefficient Ud = 0.78 W/m?K (for construction 3500 x 2180 mm). The SUPERtermo 0.5 thermal insulation cartridge consists of three panes of glass. The spaces between them are filled with argon. The panes, from the inside, are covered with the new Low-Emission Coating ClimaGuard? Premium2,which allows solar radiation to enter the room. Importantly, at the same time it reflects infrared radiation, which is emitted by heating. This reduces the heat leaking out.

Exit to the terrace.
Large glazing is a successful combination of a house and a terrace.

MYTH: Large glazing is a higher risk of burglary

FACT: Some people think that through large-format windows, the thief has an easier way to break into our house. Is this really the case? In case we decide on windows with an anti-burglary package, we can sleep peacefully. The large lift and sliding doors patio HST 82 are equipped with perfect Therefore, the closed, that is, lowered to the threshold and locked door wing HST (also in the microventilation position), due to its weight and bolt system is an obstacle in principle insurmountable for the burglar. P4A burglary windows will also be added to the eye. These packages consist of two 4 mm trays glued together with 4 layers of PVB film. Due to the four layers of film, these glass, even after being broken (which is not simple), are difficult to push through. The use of a key handle in the windows will be an additional protection against burglary.

Large glazing at home.
When choosing a lift-and-sliding door with an anti-burglary package, we do not have to fear burglary.

MYTH: Large glazing hard to open

FACT: It is true that huge glazed structures can weigh up to 300 kg, but the use of appropriate support mechanisms makes the operation of the HST wing child’s play. Convenient sliding of active wings allow wheelchairs with adjustment. For Patio HST 82 and Patio HST 76, the door is moved using trolleys that work with the running rail. Another element of the hst-friendly hardware is the power-assisted via-the-reassuch/ This component makes it necessary to use less force to reposition the handle. An optional solution that can be used for HST is SOFT CLOSE. The mechanism is designed to gently brake the sash and gently introduce it into the frame during closing. This avoids possible damage to the frame due to too dynamic wing closure. We don’t have to put in a lot of effort to open or close the HST wing if we opt for electric motion assistance systems. We are talking about optional drives. How does it work? The HST drive consists of a mechanical door handle and a linear drive synchronized with the handle that pushes the door away and slides. The synchronization is intended to prevent attempts to move the locked door away. Control is carried out using a remote control or an application.

HST lift and sliding doors in Winchester colour.
Proper mechanisms supporting the operation of active HST wings make opening and closing without problems.

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