How do windows help fight smog?

Window joinery effective in the fight against smog

Polluted air is a problem that affects us all. And not only in the largest cities, but also in small towns and on intimate settlements of single-family houses. It is enough that a few people in the neighborhood do not comply with the ban on smoking garbage, so that harmful particles float in the air and harm. And the health consequences can be serious! The list of diseases that can provoke inhalation of harmful substances contained in smog is long. While it would seem that windows and doors with smog have little in common, window joinery can be quite an effective tool in the fight against it.

Use filter diffusers

Tight partitions prevent harmful substances from getting inside. This is why you should avoid airing your home on days when the concentration of PM10 and PM2.5 outside is high. It is also worth investing in diffusers and their cooperating filters with cartridges that retain dust particles, plant spores, mites and fungi. There are many products on the market that are compatible with standard window joinery.

Pay attention to the heat transfer coefficient

In the long term, windows with a high level of thermal insulation allow for a significant reduction in energy needs and thus minimize emissions of harmful substances from domestic furnaces. Therefore, for the sake of the environment, it is worth choosing windows with the lowest possible heat transfer coefficient Uw. We will also pay attention to suitable windows, which can maximize the energy gain from solar radiation. It is important that the g ? i.e. the total permeabilityfactor ? is higher than 50%. The heat in the houses will also help to stop properly selected external ailyts ? blinds and blinds.

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