Colors 2021. What will be fashionable?

Pantone chose two colors

Pantone Color Institutes is a global color specialist. Specialists of the institute, every year invite a team of experts engaged in color standardization, to choose the dominant color at secret meetings. This year, two winners stood on the podium: Ultimate Grey grey and Yellow Illuminating. The choice seems to be justified by the coronavirus pandemic, which has become the number one topic and dominated all areas of life. The subdued grey shows how difficult the situation has come to us. On the other hand, it brings to mind quiet rocks and stones that symbolize eternity, strength and power. Yellow, on the other hand, is the color of hope, energy and optimism, because after the storm the sun always comes out.

Matched duo

At first glance, it can be concluded that the colors chosen by the institute have nothing to do with each other. These are two distant and independent colors, but if we try to combine two colors together, it turns out that together they look very attractive. Colors complement each other perfectly and work together. Surely this perfect duo will stay very quickly in our interiors and will fall in love with the world of design.

Gray-tone windows

By suggesting this year’s choice of institute, we can enter into trends and fashionably choose the color of window joinery. In our range of nearly 40 PVC veneers you will find the color Gray ? very similar to the color chosen by Pantone. Greyness is appreciated mainly for its neutrality, as its final character depends on other pieces of equipment. Thus, windows in Grey film will fit almost all types of façade and interior design. If you want to completely submit to the color trends set by the Pantone Institute, we offer to compose a set of PVC windows in gray veneer and mSun façade blinds with yellow lamella colors. It’s quite a bold combination, but it’s a brave world. Be inspired, seek interesting solutions and enjoy a rich color palette.

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